Tutors and Time Travel

Is it just me or is time just flying by? I enjoyed traveling back to the Jurassic period with you all but judging from the feedback (from everyone), you are just as tired of dinosaurs as I am.

Thats okay! Nothing's ever perfect the first time around, and we're just getting started with our newsletter concept.

Here's a screenshot of our engagement metrics (after opening a letter).

Surprisingly good huh! Definitely blows our metrics from our learning management system out of the water, which is what we're looking for. Real people using Zoptiks.

Last Week's Field Trip

As we wrap up our adventure with Wanda and all the trouble we went through to identify our various fossils, let's do a roundup of what this field trip contained: 30 4D Holograms, 3 VR Tours, 1 AI Chatbot, and hilarious gifs.

We'll be going back and editing this field trip to make it even better in the coming days.

Jurassic Jungle
Travel back in time to the age of dinosaurs in a virtual Jurassic Jungle. Encounter lifelike dinosaurs, walk among prehistoric plants, and uncover the secrets of these magnificent creatures that roamed the Earth millions of years ago.

If you missed it click here to start exploring on your own:

Upcoming Week's Field Trip

Next week's adventures are much more personal to all of us. So personal, it's inside of us. It's our 'Inside The Human Body' field trip. We'll explore everything from the bones in our body to the various systems that make everything work.

If you are a parent of a younger child, you'll want to keep an eye out next Saturday, we're going to study human reproduction. Our warning system will activate before your child can access this content.
Inside The Human Body
Embark on a virtual exploration of the human body’s intricate systems. Journey through organs, tissues, and cells, discovering how the body functions and learning about the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

Today In History & The World Tour

Moving forward instead of our typical 'Virtual Field Trip' letter, you'll receive the "The Daily Letter'. This letter will include the daily virtual field trip lesson, but also new "Today In History" and "World Tour" sections.

Here's the breakdown:

Today In History - Time travel through history and breathe life into historical events, current events & influential people.
The World Tour - Explore a new place or landmark around the world. Discover local culture, languages & food.

My goal with this change is to provide more variety daily (enough of the dinosaurs!) It's also going to cater to our older readers and hungry traveler subscribers.

Introducing Zoptiks Tutor

Last but not least is a new addition to our "Educator" plan. Zoptiks Tutor.

Zoptiks Tutor is an AI chatbot system that can create all kinds of documents, images, code snippets, text-to-speech notes, and can even transcribe audio. It's powered by OpenAI and Zoptiks' custom language models.

Zoptiks Tutors

All-in-one AI toolbox for students and educators.

Get Started

This joins our other software services such as "Drive" and "Crypto".

That's it for this week, but things are coming together and there's more on the way.

Till tomorrow. - Hari