Virtual Field Trips

Virtual Field Trips22



Unveil the world of our everyday heroes - firefighters, police officers, and EMTs. Explore their essential roles, the challenges they overcome, and the vital services they provide.

Wanda Wild

Interesting Insects

Enter the miniature world of insects and explore their incredible diversity. Learn about their adaptations, behaviors, and ecological importance as you encounter fascinating species and witness the wonders of the insect kingdom.

Theo Thoughtful

Magical Mythology

Enter the realm of mythical creatures and legendary tales. Dive into the captivating world of mythology, encountering gods, heroes, and monsters from different cultures, and unravel the fascinating stories that have been passed down through generations.

Timothy Clocksworth

Ancient Rome

Take a virtual journey to the eternal city of Rome. Explore iconic landmarks such as the Colosseum and the Roman Forum, uncover the legacy of the Roman Empire, and learn about the rich history, art, and architecture that shaped this ancient civilization.

Sally STEM

Space Explorer

Blast off into the virtual cosmos and explore the wonders of space. Visit distant planets, witness breathtaking galaxies, and learn about the latest discoveries in astronomy and space exploration.

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