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The Golden Age of India

Embark on a journey to the Golden Age of India, a period marked by significant advancements in various fields. Experience the cultural richness and intellectual progress that characterized this era.


July 2nd, 2023

Get a sneak peek into next week's field trips, and a recap of new features. This week's edition features the reward store, interactive walkthrough, an affiliate program, and workbook migration.


Mauryan Administration, Economy, and the Arthashastra

We'll explore the economy of the empire, marked by well-regulated trade, standardized coinage, and state-controlled industries. We'll also delve into the Arthashastra, an ancient treatise on statecraft, economic policy, and military strategy, attributed to Chanakya.


Ashoka's Transformation and Edicts

Uncover the transformative journey of Emperor Ashoka, from a ruthless conqueror to a benevolent ruler who embraced Buddhism. We'll explore his edicts, inscriptions carved on pillars and rocks across the empire, which provide insights into his philosophy of governance.


The Capital of Pataliputra

Virtually travel to the ancient city of Pataliputra, the capital of the Maurya Empire. We'll explore its grandeur, architectural marvels, and the strategic importance of its location, which made it a bustling hub of trade and culture.

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