A Microscopic World

A Microscopic World14

Sally STEM

A Microscopic World

Shrink down to the size of a cell and explore the hidden realm of the microscopic world. Witness the intricate structures of cells, delve into the fascinating world of microorganisms, and discover the hidden secrets of the tiniest organisms.


Microscopes 101

Adjust your focus and illuminate the hidden world as we decode the art of microscopy. From magnification to resolution, each element of a microscope holds the power to transform the unseen into a spectacle of life's minutiae.


Prokaryotic Cells

Venture into the minimalistic world of prokaryotic cells. Devoid of a true nucleus, these cells offer a study in simplicity and efficiency, showcasing life's incredible adaptability and the basic building blocks of existence.


Antibiotics and Bacteria

Witness the unfolding battle between human ingenuity and microbial resilience. Explore the saga of antibiotics and bacteria, the victories, the losses, and the race against microbial resistance that affects the future of medicine.

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